qualification network

just get better

“The best teacher is the one who gradually makes himself redundant.” (George Orwell)

(George Orwell)

My customers can expect from me:

Concept and implementation

I support my customers to create and execute qualification plans.


Without exception, all events which I conduct deal solely with topics specific to each customer.

Methods and approaches

Every one of my training courses focuses on specific topics using corresponding behaviourally orientated components.

I offer:

At your location or at seminar hotels, I conduct one-day or multiple-day courses on the topics of management, sales and change. I focus on individual topics for specific target groups as per customer request. In addition to in-person seminars, I supplement digital media activities before or afterwards to better achieve the training targets.

Coaching is an essential method to continually improve individuals and teams. Within a framework of individual and team coaching as well as during my work as an agile coach, I pay close attention to the necessary processes of self-reflection. It is particularly important to me that the change becomes visible.

The best meetings are those which achieve the aspired targets as well as reach clearly defined agreements among the participants within the allotted time. As a neutral moderator, I take responsibility for the process and give you access to the methods and tools so that you can achieve your aspired targets.

I have extensive experience in leading organisational units, in project management, particularly in IT and change projects as well as in operative and strategic sales. In these topics, I support my clients to successfully implement their projects.

Further education is an investment that must pay off for all parties involved.

My experience has taught me that …